7 Best VueJS UI Frameworks

VueJS is a popular JavaScript framework for building user interfaces. It offers many benefits, such as a small footprint, easy integration with other libraries and frameworks, and a flexible and modular architecture. To speed up the development process, many developers turn to UI frameworks, which offer pre-built components and styling. Here are seven of the best VueJS UI frameworks:

7 Best VueJS UI Frameworks
7 Best VueJS UI Frameworks
  1. Vuetify: Vuetify is a material design component framework that offers more than 100 UI components and customizable themes. It is a popular choice for building responsive and mobile-first applications.
  2. Quasar: Quasar is a full-featured VueJS framework that includes a wide range of components and plugins for building responsive and mobile-friendly applications. It also supports multiple themes and layout options.
  3. Element: Element is a lightweight UI framework that offers a clean and minimalist design. It includes a range of basic components and supports custom themes and internationalization.
  4. BootstrapVue: BootstrapVue is a popular VueJS implementation of the Bootstrap framework. It offers a wide range of responsive components and pre-built styles, making it a good choice for building web applications quickly.
  5. Ant Design Vue: Ant Design Vue is a VueJS implementation of the popular Ant Design framework. It offers a range of customizable components and a clean and modern design.
  6. Buefy: Buefy is a lightweight and customizable UI framework that offers a range of components based on the Bulma CSS framework. It is a good choice for building fast and responsive applications.
  7. PrimeVue: PrimeVue is a collection of UI components for VueJS that offer a range of features, such as customizable themes, responsive layout options, and accessibility features. It also includes a wide range of demos and templates to help speed up development.